Archives par mot-clé : modélisation

3dsmax – modeling an archaeological artifact

Création d’une pendeloque en variscite d’après photos.

Creating an artifact from photos.

Modélisation – modeling

La photo est texturée sur un simple plan dont le maillage servira de repère pour la suite.

The original photo is textured on a simple plane. Increase the density of mesh in order to get some kind of grid.


Continuer la lecture de 3dsmax – modeling an archaeological artifact

3D-photo – Menhirs de Couches

This series of images will show how to produce an interactive immersive file from photographs.

Everything has been done with Photoscan and exported to Unity through 3DsMax.

It is possible on the IGN web site to measure distances between objects. It will be necessary to check distances from the 3D model and those taken on site.

Continuer la lecture de 3D-photo – Menhirs de Couches