Archives par mot-clé : ChatGPT

AI and humour, Why is it funny??

Can AI have a sense of humor and understand an absurd situation, translating it graphically? This is the test conducted here, with some surprising results. While humor may not have been fully grasped, the AI’s attempts at responding have been rather amusing. We can observe how the unexpected, a source of surprise and humor, disrupts the AI, which seemingly tries to rationalize the situation by « fixing » and « normalizing » the initial intention.

Continuer la lecture de AI and humour, Why is it funny??

Artificial Intelligence and Architecture

A conversation with MEDS.

MEDS ‘Meeting of Design Students‘ is an international design network. It gathers professionals and students from diverse design backgrounds meet for workshops and events …

In this presentation, the idea is to have a large panorama of perspectives and issues concerning Artificial Intelligence and Architecture.

Continuer la lecture de Artificial Intelligence and Architecture