This tutorial aims to create a parametric structure, this structure shall be scaled in any direction.
We will use Beegraphy, the online Grasshopper for that.
This tutorial aims to create a parametric structure, this structure shall be scaled in any direction.
We will use Beegraphy, the online Grasshopper for that.
A conversation with MEDS.
MEDS ‘Meeting of Design Students‘ is an international design network. It gathers professionals and students from diverse design backgrounds meet for workshops and events …
In this presentation, the idea is to have a large panorama of perspectives and issues concerning Artificial Intelligence and Architecture.
This article was originaly written for a book that will now hardly be published due to several reasons. The text hold by Laurent Lescop, Hadas Sopher (1), Olivier Chamel (2) and Bernd Dalgrün (3) describes the very pionneer experience of Immersive Learning using Metaverses during the covid pandemia. This has been a fondation for what we do now and it would have been sad to hide it on the folder of forgotten works.
Augmented Design: searching for a new pedagogical design paradigm Continuer la lecture de Augmented Design